5 Strategies to Attract Employer Partnerships for Your Direct Care Practice

From tailored messaging to building a strong web presence and leveraging local networking, discover how to position your DPC practice as a valuable healthcare option for businesses.

Partnering with employers is a powerful way to grow your Direct Primary Care practice. By collaborating with companies, you have the opportunity to offer your healthcare services as an employee benefit, gaining access to a larger pool of patients in one go. 

This approach not only helps you expand your patient base but also strengthens your practice's visibility in the community.

5 Strategies to Attract Employer Partnerships for Your DPC Practice

1. Tailor Your Messaging for Employer Decision-Makers

When marketing your DPC practice to employers, the messaging needs to be specific to their needs. You're not just selling healthcare to individuals – you’re speaking to business owners, HR teams, or benefits managers who need to understand how Direct Care benefits their employees and the company as a whole. Stephani McGirr, founder of EGS Marketing Solutions and Amplify DPC, explores more about that.

“In the marketing strategy for the DPC practices we support, we've created specific campaigns at the employer level because it's completely different. Speaking to companies means you have to convert them as a business for employee benefits, which is distinct from communication with a patient. It’s very specific, not only in the messaging you're delivering to convert them into your practice but also in explaining what the benefits are. They have to understand what it's all about and how it works, both with and without insurance.”Stephani McGirrFounder of EGS Marketing Solutions and Amplify DPC

This exercise involves shifting the focus of your usual patient-centered messaging to emphasize the following points:

Cost Savings

Demonstrate how partnering with your DPC practice can help employers lower their overall healthcare expenses compared to traditional insurance plans.

Increased Employee Productivity

Highlight how direct access to primary care reduces absenteeism and promotes better overall health and wellness, leading to more productive employees.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Showcase how offering DPC as a benefit improves employee satisfaction by providing personalized, hassle-free healthcare.

You’ll also need to clarify how DPC fits into the broader healthcare landscape, particularly for businesses unfamiliar with the concept. Clearly explain how DPC works with or without insurance and emphasize its flexibility compared to traditional employer-provided healthcare plans.

2. Build a Dedicated Web Presence for Employers

To effectively market to employers, it’s crucial to create a section of your website that speaks directly to their needs. This dedicated space should focus on educating employers about the benefits of partnering with your DPC practice.

For example, Ark Family Health’s website, a Direct Primary Care Practice based in Peoria, Arizona, features an infographic explaining “How Direct Primary Care Benefits Businesses”.

Here’s what to include:

A Dedicated Landing Page

This page should explain your services in the context of employee benefits, outlining the advantages of DPC over traditional insurance. Avoid overwhelming this page with other content from your main site to keep the focus on employer-specific information.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Include success stories from other businesses that have partnered with your practice. Showcase how your services have helped improve employee health and reduce healthcare costs.

Clear Calls to Action (CTA)

Make it easy for employers to contact you, schedule a consultation, or learn more about how your DPC services can benefit their employees. Use CTAs such as "Schedule a Free Consultation" or "Learn How We Can Save Your Business Money on Healthcare."

Incorporating relevant keywords such as “employee healthcare benefits,” “cost-effective healthcare solutions,” and “DPC for businesses” can also help improve your visibility on search engines.

3. Leverage Local Networking Opportunities

Local businesses are often the most likely candidates for partnering with a DPC practice, so it’s important to get involved in your local community. Networking can help you build connections with business owners, HR professionals, and other decision-makers who might be interested in offering DPC to their employees. Here are a few ways to get started:

Attend Local Business Events

Chambers of Commerce, networking groups like BNI (Business Networking International), and industry-specific conferences are excellent opportunities to connect with employers. Bring promotional materials like brochures or business cards with a QR code that directs them to your dedicated landing page for employers.

Offer Educational Seminars

Host events for local business owners and HR professionals where you explain the benefits of DPC for employee health. Providing valuable information builds trust and positions you as a thought leader in the healthcare space.

Collaborate With Benefits Advisors

Reach out to benefits advisors who support companies on their employee benefits packages. Establishing relationships with these consultants can lead to referrals and partnerships with businesses that are seeking alternative healthcare options.

4. Create a Targeted Sales Funnel for Employers

Building a sales funnel specifically aimed at employers is an essential component of your marketing strategy. This funnel should guide potential employer partners through the decision-making process, making it easy for them to understand how your DPC practice can benefit their business.

Step 1: Awareness

Use online ads, email campaigns, and local events to direct employers to your landing page, where they can learn about the benefits of partnering with a DPC practice.

Step 2: Education

Once employers have visited your landing page, provide them with valuable content that helps them make an informed decision. This can include downloadable whitepapers, case studies, or videos explaining how DPC can save their business money and improve employee health.

Step 3: Engagement

Encourage employers to schedule a meeting or consultation with you to discuss how DPC can work for their specific needs. Use automated follow-up emails or phone calls to keep the conversation going.

Step 4: Conversion

Once you’ve built a relationship and demonstrated the value of DPC, close the deal by offering a pilot program or discounted rates for the first few months of service to encourage them to try it out.

By creating a focused, step-by-step process for engaging employers, you make it easier for them to understand how partnering with your practice will benefit their company and employees.

5. Showcase Employee Retention and Satisfaction Benefits

One of the key selling points for employers is how your DPC practice can improve employee retention and satisfaction. Many companies struggle with high turnover rates and the costs associated with replacing employees. Offering DPC as a healthcare benefit can help employers retain their top talent by providing a healthcare option that employees value.

In your marketing materials, focus on the following:

Improved Work-Life Balance

Emphasize how Direct Primary Care for employers offers easier access to primary care without long wait times, helping employees manage their health more efficiently.

Personalized Care

Highlight the personal relationship employees will develop with their doctor in a DPC practice, which can increase satisfaction with healthcare services and reduce stress related to medical care.

Proactive Health Management

Explain how DPC encourages preventive care and regular check-ups, leading to better overall health outcomes for employees and fewer healthcare-related absences.

Providing case studies or testimonials from employers you currently partner with can help demonstrate these points. Real-world examples of how DPC improved employee retention and satisfaction will resonate strongly with potential employer partners.

By tailoring your marketing strategies to target employers, you can significantly grow your Direct Primary Care practice. 

From creating employer-specific messaging to building a dedicated web presence and leveraging local networking opportunities, each strategy helps position your DPC practice as an attractive option for businesses looking to offer high-quality, affordable healthcare to their employees. Start implementing these strategies today to attract valuable employer partnerships and take your practice to the next level.

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